May 1, 2019 – Show Your Library Love, Join the Read In Demo


CUPE Local 932 has decided, with the support of management, to participate in the CUPE Read-In taking place tomorrow May 1 between 12 and 2 PM.
May 1st has been chosen as an official day of action against the Doug Ford cuts to public services. Local 932 and HPL have chosen to participate in the Read-In. This form of peaceful protest is designed to encourage members, workers and customers to show their support of public libraries by reading in front of their community branch between the hours of 12 and 2 tomorrow.
Let us show the Ontario government that Ontarians love their public libraries.
We are asking members to participate on their lunch or breaks or before or after their shift and to read in front of their location. We can ask customers to join in as well. What the campaign is trying to achieve is to get a visual representation of the people who visit, use and support public libraries. Sending photos or posting them to our social media pages will assist this.
More details to come.
Email any of the executives or reach out via our social media if pages if you have any questions.
Facebook & Twitter: @cupe932