
  • Evelyna Ekoko-Kay
  • Evan Korn
  • Sara Pilon
  • Holly Summerhayes

By-Law Committee – The By-law Committee shall review the Local’s By-laws at least once during a three-year period. The Local Executive Committee shall review amendments proposed by the Local By-Laws Committee before submitting them to the membership for approval.

  • Melanie Cummings
  • Deb Scarfone-Shaw
  • Kari Warren

Grievance Committee – The Grievance Committee shall prepare a report on the status of all grievances to be submitted to the Executive Committee, the CUPE representative and the membership meeting.

  • Mandy Bullard

Health & Safety Committee – The members of the Health and Safety Committee deal with issues related to the health and safety of the membership.

  • Sean Crowe
  • Alex Diceanu
  • Evelyna Ekoko-Kay
  • Kari Warren

Job Evaluation Committee – The Job Evaluation Committee is one of the joint Labour/Management Committees. The members of this committee are tasked to evaluate and rate jobs in the system, ensuring that the job descriptions are accurate and that members are compensated accordingly.

  • Raina Coolen
  • Jennie Hamilton
  • Bridie Howell
  • Alisha Skinner (alternate)
  • Erin Willson (alternate)

Negotiating Committee – The committee is the local’s representative on the bargaining table when it is time to negotiate a new contract for the membership. The committee is comprised of seven (7) members: the President, the Chief Steward, the Vice President (part-time); three (3) other members who shall be elected from the membership, and a CUPE representative.

  • Mandy Bullard
  • Jennie Hamilton
  • Bridie Howell
  • Lisa Hunt
  • Sarah O’Connor
  • Erin Olmsted

Trustees – The Trustees act as an Auditing Committee on behalf of the members and audit the books and accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer, the Recording Secretary, and the Standing Committees at least once every calendar year.

  • Brett Basbaum (2023-2026)
  • Bridie Howell (2024-2027)
  • Kari Warren (ends 2025)