HELP! Support CUPE Local 5105 members at St. Matthew’s House in Hamilton

The members of CUPE Local 5105 are facing an urgent situation and need your help. On August 12, Hamilton City Council voted to stop funding for child care for children with special needs from St. Matthew’s House. The loss of the funding – which funds the jobs of 40 CUPE members – will deal a devastating blow to the agency and will almost certainly lead to its closure. St. Matthew’s executive director has said himself that the loss of the funding will “bankrupt” the agency.


We are asking CUPE members in Hamilton-area social service agencies to call their councillors and ask them to restore funding from the city’s Special Needs Resourcing Services to St. Matthew’s Early Childhood Integration Support Services. You can use the sample text below to e-mail or call your councillor – please support your fellow CUPE members in Local 5105!





Sample script or e-mail for calling councillors; see the attached flyer to the contact details for your councillor:


Hi, (Councillor Name – office)


My name is ______________________ and I’m calling to voice my concerns about City Council’s decision to remove the funding for services for special-needs children from St. Mathews House.


I’m concerned that this loss of funding will lead to the closure of St. Matthew’s House.


St. Matthew’s House is a multi-service agency working in Hamilton’s poorest neighbourhoods. It provides not only programs for children with special needs, but also a summer camp program, emergency food program, transitional and sustainable housing for seniors and mental health and street outreach services.


Removing the funding for special-needs child care services will make all of the work St. Matthew’s does no longer financially viable. 60 % of St. Matthew’s staff will lose their jobs and residents who depend on St. Matthew’s will lose their support.


I don’t believe Hamilton city council meant to put St. Matthew’s existence at risk but that’s what will happen unless council reverses its decision and restores the funding for services for children with special needs. It is this “anchor” funding that allows St. Matthew’s to provide the other services that are so crucial to our most vulnerable residents.


I’m asking you to please reverse this decision. Thank you.

2016 Library Workers’ Conference

Thank you for showing interest in the material that we’ve gathered from the Library Workers’ Conference last March. Here’s the slides that were presented during the conference: Library Conference 2016 Presentation Final Slides

The studies that were conducted with regards to precarious work can be found in its entirety on the PEPSO website. PEPSO is the acronym for Poverty and Employment Precarity in Southern Ontario research group which is a joint university-community initiative that is focused on how precarious employment compounds the issue of poverty. PEPSO’s research has also shown that insecure employment and low pay has effects on the individual’s well being and ability to establish meaningful personal relationships.

Again, thank you for your interest.


By-Election Update: Results

Ballots have been cast and the votes have been tallied.

Congratulations to Mandy Grieve-Bullard and Iggy Filice!

Due to Dale Kent’s acclamation as President, the 2nd Vice President position was left vacant and a spot at the Negotiating Committee opened up as well.

Mandy Grieve-Bullard is now our new 2nd Vice President.

Iggy Filice is now one of the members of the Negotiating Committee

By-Election 2016: When & Where to Vote



CENTRAL LIBRARY – Monday, April 11 – 11 am to 2 pm – 5th floor Admin Committee Room

TURNER PARK BRANCH – Tuesday, April 12, 6 pm to 9 pm


Vice President

Sarah Gauthier

Mandy Bullard

Negotiating Committee

Paul Martin

Iggy Filice

For more information contact:

April 5: By-Election Update

With Dale Kent acclaimed as the new president for CUPE 932, two positions have opened up – 2nd Vice President and a spot at the Negotiations Committee.

The nominations for these positions were closed at the March 23rd Membership meeting.

The Nominees are:

2nd Vice President – Sarah Gauthier & Mandy Grieve-Bullard

Negotiations Committee – Iggy Filice & Paul Martin



By-election Update

The nomination for president was closed at the February 10 membership meeting at the Sherwood Branch.

Dale Kent was acclaimed as the new President of CUPE Local 932. 

As a result of Dale’s acclamation, two positions have opened up – 2nd Vice President and a spot on the Negotiating Committee.

The floor was opened for nominations for these positions during this meeting.

Mandy Grieve-Bullard was nominated for the 2nd Vice President Position.

Paul Martin was nominated for the Negotiating Committee.

Nominations for these positions will close at the March 23 membership meeting.

February 2016 Membership Meeting

CUPE Local 932


Wednesday, February 10 @ 6:00pm, Sherwood Branch 

Due to the changes on the Executive Committee, CUPE Local 932 will be holding an emergency by-election to replace the position for President.

Nominations for the position of President will close on February 10, 2016

Since the response to our membership attendance incentive was so positive, we have decided to keep this fun incentive going.

For every meeting you attend, you will get a ticket for a prize that will be drawn towards the end of the year.

Bring a co-worker that’s never been to a meeting this year and you will get another ticket! More chances for you to win! You get a ticket for each co-worker you bring to the meeting.


For more information, contact Laura Lamb through