NEWS 932







NEWS 932 is CUPE 932’s monthly eNewsletter and it will be sent out every 4th week of the month.

If you are on the Union email list, you should have received it last Thursday, January 28. Check your spam folders or promotion tabs because they could have been redirected there. To view the eNewsletter, you can also go to the Newsletters page on this website. You can also start subscribing to the website from the January 2021 link.

We welcome content suggestions, content contributions, images, etc. Please email them to



Defend your OMERS


They’re at it again.

For the 3rd time in 4 years, OMERS is pushing a proposal to eliminate guaranteed indexing which, if passed, could allow inflation to erode the value of our pension.

The OMERS Sponsors Corporation (SC) Board of Directors is barging ahead during a pandemic with a vote to eliminate guaranteed indexing on June 24th, a plan that has already been rejected twice. This, despite tens of thousands of us already demanding that they postpone the vote until after the COVID-19 crisis.

If Worker Representatives stand united, we will defeat this harmful proposal and defend our guaranteed indexing. We know we can count on the CUPE Ontario, CUPE Local 79 and OPSEU Representatives to vote NO – but that won’t be enough.

If it passes, this proposal will eliminate an important and valuable pension benefit for OMERS members. It will mean OMERS members, particularly younger workers, will have less valuable and less secure pensions in retirement

More Info: VP By-Election

Hello Sisters and Brothers,

On Tuesday, May 19, CUPE 932 will be holding a By-Election for the 2 vacant Vice President positions.

Learn more about the candidates.

And for the first time in the Union’s history, the vote will be online.

On Tuesday, May 19, you will receive an email from CUPE Local 932 and the subject will state that you are invited to vote in the VP By-Election.

The email will contain the link to the ballot. And just in case you would need it, your Voter ID and Voter Key. These are the unique identifiers assigned to your email to ensure the security and confidentiality of your vote.

Please check your spam folders or other folders/tabs in your email (Promotions, Social, etc) because the email might get redirected there.

The link will be sent to the emails that we have in the Union’s distribution list. If you received this email, you’re on the list already. We are only sending it to non-hpl email addresses. So, if you’re receiving updates via your hpl email, please send us your non-work email via by Friday, May 15.

If you know of other members who are not on the list, feel free to forward this email to them. The deadline for adding emails will be Friday, May 15.

Any questions or concerns about the by-election, please email

Thank you and stay safe.

In solidarity,

CUPE 932

Meet Your Candidates

For the May 19 Vice President By-Election, we have four members who are vying for two Vice President positions in the Executive Committee. Get to know your candidates.

If you have any questions, please email


May 19, 2020 – Vice President By-Election

On Tuesday, May 19, we are finally going to hold the Vice President by-election to fill the vacant Vice President positions in our Executive Committee.

The Vice President by-election was triggered by Iggy’s acceptance of a position with Hamilton Police Services in late 2019. There was only one vacancy initially. However, Laura’s retirement announcement prompted the Union to open the nominations to open for the Recording Secretary position. Jennie Hamilton has been acclaimed as the Recording Secretary in the April 2020 membership meeting, which means her previous Vice President position is vacant as well.

We have 4 nominees vying for the 2 vacant Vice President positions. They are, in alphabetical order:

  • Tanja Almon
  • Melanie Cummings
  • Sarah Gauthier
  • Frank Tinebra

We have asked the nominees to forward information about themselves and we will be posting that information soon.

Due to COVID 19, voting will be done completely online. Ballots will be open for 24 hours on Tuesday, May 19 and the link will be sent via email. So if you are not part of the Union’s mailing list, please email to be added. Please send us a non-work email address.

Defend Your Pension

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted us all. It has called us to the frontlines of an unparalleled public health crisis and temporarily, though dramatically, changed our world.

That’s why on March 25th, CUPE Ontario sent the OMERS SC Board a letter requesting the postponement of their planned June vote to remove guaranteed indexing from the pension plan.

Unfortunately, CUPE Ontario has been informed OMERS still plans to go ahead with the vote in June despite the unprecedented public health crisis that is confronting, and rightfully, fully occupying us all.

We think that’s wrong. 

Sign the letter below, urging the OMERS Sponsors Corporation (SC) Board to postpone the June vote to remove guaranteed indexing from our pension plan.


March 30, 2020 – A Message to Members

March 30, 2020

Dear Members of CUPE Local 932:

Thank you all so much for your patience and support as your Union Executive is working through this difficult time.

We are continuously working with Management to keep lines of communication open and to be able to update our members with any new information.  If you have any questions about the Work From Home arrangement, please direct these questions to your Manager. And, if you haven’t already, take the Introduction to Teams software course on This will be the main channel for communicating with your co-workers and your Manager.

These are unprecedented times for us. Please allow yourself the space to reflect on your feelings. It is natural to be scared and anxious. Remember to practice self care. We have all been vigilant in practising safe hygiene and social and physical distancing but be mindful of your mental health as well. Take micro breaks from the learning process.  Check in with friends, family and co-workers. Try, if possible, to create a separate zone for working to allow you to leave the workplace after your shift.

Your Union Executive is still working for you.

If you have any questions, please email


In Solidarity and with Care,

Mandy Bullard
Jennie Hamilton
Bridie Howell
Marg Mandula
Erin Olmsted

Communities Not Cuts

Tell the Ford Conservatives you support communities, not cuts! 

The Ford Conservatives have launched an all-out attack on our public services and the workers who provide them. Every community, every type of work we do, every service we rely on in our communities is threatened.

Today, September 9, 2019, CUPE Ontario launches our launch our campaign to fight back—Communities, Not Cuts! Visit to send the Ford Conservatives and your MPP a message.

Fill out the form found here —